What's going on here?

So, I've had a pretty horrible couple of months at work. Like, at one point I was venting to my roommate after having a super stressful day, because a half hour before closing someone in another department came to me with a bunch of annoying questions she had all day to ask, right when I was doing my very important time sensitive end of day task, and then I got interrupted by another coworker asking how to do something I had already explained multiple times, and then another coworker asked me about something she should have had finished a week ago, and as I was explaining all this to my roommate my "vent" devolved into a complete screaming meltdown. Which. Wasn't Great. I realized that I feel more and more contempt and disgust for my coworkers/bosses/management each day, and I can feel it poisoning my mind. This isn't the "me" I want to be. I want to be kind! I want to have patience for people's questions, and give people support when they're behind, and generally be gracious and treat people well. But the system we live in is slowly crushing me to death, and it's sapping the energy and patience it takes to act the way I want to.

So I took a sick day to recover, reflected on how being alive under capitalism is Killing Me, and over the course of a week or so I made a bunch of these designs as like-- anti-doomspiral vent art, I guess? I was trying to capture that same feeling I got when I first read that Ursula Le Guin quote about how capitalism seems inescapable, but people said the same thing about the divine right of kings. I showed the designs to my friends, they really liked them, and I thought it would be fun to upload them to redbubble since hey, maybe other people would enjoy them too, never hurts to share an uplifting message. (I recognize that there's an irony to selling anti-capitalist art).

And then redbubble's algorithm auto-suspended my account. Lol.

I submitted an appeal and spent a chunk of my morning feeling grumpy about the whole situation. But then I took a shower about it and figured-- fuck it, we'll do it live give it away for free. So below are the designs-- if any of them strike a chord with you, feel free to download the file and take it to your local print shop for stickers, or print them at the library to staple to telephone poles, or whatever you please. These are the highest resolution I have, so they might not work for like, super big posters, but they should be good for stickers or buttons. And if you have any trouble with them, leave a comment in the guestbook and I'll see if I can troubleshoot it.

Shoutout to photopea, the free online tool I used to make these, and 1001fonts.com, which is where sourced the fonts. The phrases themselves and visual designs are my own. Also, props to the sophiefrommars vid "the world is not ending", which inspired the "keep growing" piece and generally greatly helped my mental state.

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